Saturday, November 14, 2009


So... my endeavour to get laid, I think, has come to a standstill.

No, it's not that I don't want to. It's simply that there seems to be something... something on my mind.

I went to the Sex People (they're called UBCCDF... or UBCCCF... something like that) meeting again. This time, they were singing.


Nobody knew the lyrics to songs, the powerpoint wasn't changed quickly enough for people to catch the lyrics, nobody knew when to start or stop singing the song.

Musically (as I'm a musician), it was a disaster.

And yet, nobody was ashamed to sing. Despite there being multiple keys present in the song, not a single face showed shame. All I could see were a bunch of crazy, happy faces.

And I felt a little tingly too.

And for a moment, for just a second, I forgot about my own shame and guilt. I forgot about my goal of getting laid. I forgot about the Brunette.

And it was magnificent.


They're going to have Singing again next week, but this time, outside SUB. I pray that passer-byers won't have fruits and vegetables to throw.

But I'm wondering... just wondering... how many people will feel "tingly" too?


  1. hope the weather won't be too bad either..

  2. when you said "I pray that passer-byers won't have fruits and vegetables to throw"... for a moment I feel you are already part of CCF despite other stuff that you don't like about :)
