Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wow... I gotta take up Baseball...

I just took a bit of time to de-stress myself from midterms and papers... too much for humans to handle.
Oh, how I long for the days before Profs could harass us through the internet with WebCT and Vista... too much for me to do. I just finished one thing, and another assignment gets posted up....

Anyhoo... so after my little de-stress activity, I decided to take a look at my blog again, and see what I've written so far.

Hmm... Not a lot.

Seems like I'm only making myself seem like a whiny pervert who can't go out and get some, so has to scream about it online. Seriously, if this blog weren't written by me, I'd tell the blogger to go and grow a set of balls.

But it's me.


I've decided to try and do something about it.

I'm going to see if I can ask the Brunette out, and perhaps get a little action. 1st Base, 2nd Base, 3rd Base, Homerun... it's all good.

Time for me to become a MAN!


  1. One last intrusion:

    Woah, that's the first time I've seen that phrase wielded unironically - "Time for me to become a man". That's not intended to be an insult; I'm genuinely perplexed by what that is supposed to mean. And before you assume otherwise, no, I am not a woman.

    I recommend that ALL dudes who are reading this try perusing the archives of this blog:


    It's by a Christian university prof with some very, very insightful posts on porn, desire and masculinity and more. My friends were skeptical about this site when I first showed them because the author is openly pro-feminist. But once they sat down and *read* the blog, it blew their minds. This guy has written some stuff that has honestly changed my life.

  2. AsePanic: great recommendation! i just read one of the posts and it's pretty convincing~
