Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Rally Pt. 3

Sorry for the brief haitus, as I had a few things to sort out.


As most people usually do on rainy Thursdays after classes around lunch-time, I went to the SUB to grab a bite. I'd been at school for so long, but I had yet to actually try out a lot of the lunch places. Yet, I stayed with the Burger Bar. Their food was greasy and nothing special, really. But it offered me a sense of comfort I couldn't find elsewhere.

Wandering around for a place to eat, I caught a glimpse of one of the CCF members who were passing out the little Sex Cards. I immediately looked away, but I guess she caught my out of the corner of her eye.

"Hi! I remember you! Are you going to our rally today?"

"Uh.. yeah...," I replied as I shifted my burger and books.

"We had a change in plans. Since the weather is so bad, we're going to be moving into the Ballroom. We're gonna have our pray together in about 20 minutes, and you're welcome to join!"

"Umm.... Thanks... I'll have to see... I have... umm... midterms...... coming up..."

"Oh no! But I'm sure that the 1.5 hours will be time well spent! Hope to see you later!"

And with that, she handed me a card, and proceeded to approach another unsuspecting victim. I looked at the card, familiar in all its black and pink glory.

Hastily, I shoved the card into my pocket, and stumbled on, trying to find another place to hide from my shame.

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